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Spoon carving courses in Forest Hill, London SE23


For beginners and more experienced carvers alike! 

2 hour sessions - tools and materials included - £50


For more information contact me (Fletcher) on 079 6637 5496

or send me an email at


About the course

It all starts with a tree.

My courses will start out by explaining about some of the different tree species found in this country and the different properties of their timber. 

A tree becomes a log.

Having selected what type of wood you want to use, you will be shown how to split that log into smaller 'billets' or 'blanks' with a an axe. 

A log becomes a blank.

You will then be taught how to use a carving hatchet to rough out your blank into something vaguely resembling a spoon.

A blank becomes a spoon.

 We then move onto carving knives, draw knives and crook knives to refine the shape. The aim is to remove all the wood that is not spoon.

Not-spoon becomes spoon-ish.


At the end of the day you will go home with a unique wooden spoon made by your own fair hands.


About me

I'm Fletcher - or Fletch - and I have been a sculptor and woodworker for 25 years.


I am a passionate environmentalist and very conscious of the negative effects of our urban lifestyles. 

I recognise peoples' desire to be more in touch with nature, and to learn new, fundamental skills that ground us in our bodies and connect us to the world outside.

To be human is to create!

Sharing skills and encouraging peoples' passion for woodwork is a joy to me.

Spoon carving is an excellent entry point to working with wood - it teaches fundamental knowledge of tools and timbers that open up endless possibilities for creativity. 

Who knows what it might lead to...

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